

2023/06/24 #

  • Thoughts from "Meet Safari for Spatial Computing" - Nothing earth shattering but gives a bit of an idea what to expect in visionOS as a web developer. Best to use resolution-agnostic units like rem. Hover states are ignored but visionOS Webkit will automatically add it's own version of :hover when a user looks at elements on a page. Generally speaking keep using progressive enhancement, well written accessible HTML and other web standards such as responsive images, media queries, and vector graphics and your website will still look good. #

  • The New CSS - What I got from this article is that around about 2020 there was a significant sea change in CSS. With features such as :has(), container queries, custom properties, CSS grid, new color spaces, and auto scaling fluid typography, you can create designs that flexibly adapt to different contexts and different types of content. So much so that, if you usually only dabble enough to get the job done, it's probably worth doing another pass at learning CSS using the latest reading material because the way people are thinking about the landscape is fundamentally different now. There is a sense by many that all these new features are coalescing together into a 'Modern CSS'. #

  • Understand Units in CSS: A Comprehensive Guide - These all make sense, but yikes there are so many. I didn't know that you can use resolution units to activate different CSS across devices with differing resolutions. So for example high resolution devices could get higher resolution background images. Assuming only the appropriate image is downloaded, then that's pretty cool. #

  • 🚀 New Post: Unfortunately bitcoin alone doesn‘t fix the fundamental problem #

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: The Economics of Catching the AI Wave (Issue #120) #

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