

2023/06/25 #

  • Arctic Monkeys at Glastonbury review – breaking rock’s rules at their own strange pace - I love reading about Glasto every year, I have such fond memories from the 3 or 4 times I attended around the turn of the millenium. It's a long time ago now. Back then my music tastes were squarely in alternative rock but they were starting to broaden into breakbeat, drum 'n bass and electronic. These days Glasto is almost unrecognizable based just on the lineups. There are some really main stream acts that play, but my sensibilities have relaxed as I get older. It would be awesome to see Elton for instance. Sometimes the juxtaposition of old and new and main stream and alternative is what makes the magic of Glasto. I think I might have seen the Artic Monkeys at a festival when they were a small indie band. My favorite festival sets off the top of my head would have to be Bjork, David Bowie and the unforgetable sunny Sunday afternoon Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. Anyway all this to say, I miss music festivals and especially Glastonbury. It really is the closest experience I have had to being in a magical city. #

  • How This All Happened - Author Morgan Housel writes a very readable piece, both visually and content-wise, about the history that happened to the US economy since the end of World War II. From the uncertainty in the GIs returning, to the boom that followed because of low interest rates and cheap credit, raising most out of poverty and creating a somewhat equal society, through a crash, then another boom where this time there was a big divergence between rich and the rest. Crucially though, the 'mostly equal' expectation persisted for a long time, causing many to take on too much debt. Then another worse crash, and now the expectation has finaly shifted to many folks generally thinking society is no longer working for them. There's lots more detail, and graphs and period magazine covers, and it's just basically a very informative piece that doesn't get too bogged down. IMO worth the read. #

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