

2023/06/29 #

  • Six more companies competing with OpenAI - Adept AI, Inflection AI, Runway, Alph Alpha, AI21 Labs, BAAI - The magic film visual effects tools company sounds very cool, uses generative AI to add all sorts of effects from text prompts. There also appears to be a trend in training models in non-english languages, which of course makes sense. I'd also like to try out the AI gramerly tool. Which one of these companies is going to be the next google, microsoft, apple or meta? #

  • πŸš€ New Post: Revisiting Instapaper for offline reading - A continuation of the exploration of Read Later apps that I did earlier in the week. This time I decided to try Instapaper again. The aim here is to have a way to read web development content offline. So far the results from using Safari Reading Lists and Pocket have been very variable. How about Instapaper, is it as bad as I remember? #

  • The Mac Pro’s biggest problem is the MacBook - I started out reading this article thinking I wasn't that interested in the topic, but as I read, memories of jobs past, and various digital collaboration environment infras I helped setup, flooded my thoughts. Turns out I actually have quite a lot to say about high end mac hardware. Most of the VFX shops I worked for used Windows and Linux, because of upgradeability/modularity but also because it was easier to integrate them into the workflows. The folks running macs tended to be one offs, on their own island so to speak, with their own custom setup. From a sysadmin perspective, those systems were harder to maintain. At one place all the engineers actually got Mac Pros because then we could have any OS we wanted by running Parallels, which made sense given we were supporting artists running all 3 OSs. I loved my silver tower, it was freaking awesome! But probably way more power than I actually needed at the time. Oh how things change. Dear lord how I wish I had enough power to not have to wait 5 minutes switching feature branches or pushing to remote. Life is waiting for progress bar atm. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.