

06:00:00 +07:00 Microsoft unveils the world’s first analogue optical computer to solve optimisation problems - This is pretty cool. It's a rack mounted computer that uses streams of photons hitting a grid of modulators to perform basic matrix calculations at light speed. Initially they are using it to solve optimisation problems in bank settlements, but I guess it could be used for many optimizatiom problems. Maybe also AI? There's a lot of matrix calculations in AI as far as I understand. I feel it's worth mentioning, beware of over-optimisation. Technology is inherently deflationary, at a macro level you need to ensure you still have innovation, don't optimise the people away. There's no sense in being the best at shrinking the pie. An optimization mania could cause more problems than it solves. And I think emerging / developing economies are probably most at risk given the pressures they are under. Also worth thinking about: optimization neutrality and equality, because it's the sort if thing that could very well be weaponised. #

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