

2023/08/28 #

  • Ex-Meta Researchers Have Raised $40 Million From Lux Capital For An AI Biotech Startup - Much of the hype in the recent LLM boom has centered around generation and processing of various digital media, whether that's text, audio, video, image etc. It seems like the next wave is going to be a big level up as the technologies are deployed into the science industries that seek to make very futuristic discoveries in areas like biology and material science. There is a lot more money in these areas an the scope of is enormous because the possibilities space is so mind bogglingly large and relatively untouched by current methods. Lots of interesting detail in this article including companies that are having an impact. #

  • Giving up the iPad-only travel dream - Long term Apple user Jason Snell goes into some detail as to why, at least for now, he has given up trying to use his iPad as his main device. The critical thing for him is the terrible experience recording podcasts, but he also goes into more broader problems some face. People that need to be able to adapt their workflows in dynamic environments run into issues, because the iPad's top down committee based development approach is just not flexible enough in an acceptable timeframe. #

  • Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript - I haven't done a huge amount of frontend javascript recently, so this was a very refreshing and enlightening piece. It collects together the main patterns used to implement reactivity in the browser using plain old vanilla javascript. Patterns like PubSub, Observer, Proxies, Signals and Observables as well as using Object.defineProperty. Also covers using classes, async and native browser APIs such as MutationObserver, Web Components, IntersectionObserver, requestAnimationFrame and the Web Animations API. Some great examples such as reactively rendering a simple HTML UI listing pizzas, interactive scrolling, animation and game loops, reactive animations, and reactive CSS. Monster article packed with awesome stuff. #

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