

2023/10/17 #

  • Killed by Google - For those in any doubt that Google has a habbit for killing iff its often very popular projects, here's a site that lists all the projects in the Google graveyard. The recently announced they are killing off Google Podcasts. I think it's a huge shame because there really isn't a comparable site that lists podcasts. It's important because a huge amount of podcasters don't have their own websites. I've noticed this from compiling the newsletter for the past few years. This is podcasting's Google Reader extinction event, and I don't think folks realise. Hey Google, will you open source the Google Podcasts website? Let someone else try to run it for the benefit of the community. #

  • Metaphors We Web By - A look at the metaphores that we use in the modern web. It's one of those topics you never think about, like a fish never thinking about the water around it. The metaphores actually have very subtle and impactful influence on the design and functionality we imagine and ultimately build into the web. #

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