

2023/12/16 #

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: The Bitcoin Self Custody Lie (Issue #145) #

  • The await event horizon in JavaScript - Interesting black hole analogy used to describe a situation where async / await could get you into trouble. It revolves around what happens when acquiring a resource using a promise, and that promises never settles. There’s a way around the issue using generators. #

  • Awesome Netlify Updates - Features include caching in edge functions, a new way to define serverless functions (aka functions 2.0), image optimization similar to Cloudinary, and a simple blob storage mechanism. The new functions format give you extra useful things like the ability to specify the endpoint custom location without needing a redirect, route parameters, geo data, http method matching, and easier streaming of data. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.