

2024/01/12 #

  • The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Doesn't Exist - Jake Lazaroff believes the website vs web app destinction doesn't do a good job of describing what's actually being built these days. He outlines a slightly different yet related way to break down the current web development landscape: informational, transactional, realtime and local websites. I think it describes what's out there quite well. Read this post to get a reassuring sense of where you are in amidst all the chaos. #

  • FrigadeHQ/remote-storage - "remoteStorage is a simple library that combines the localStorage API with a remote server to persist data across browsers and devices." - I thought this looks pretty interesting for it's simplicity, could be great for some simple local first apps. #

  • What’s the Value of 3 Million LPs in a Digital World? - We had a massive record collection at the student radio station I was part of back at university. Walls and walls of records. There was something very calming about being in that room surrounded by thousands of records. The ritual of queueing tracks up on the 2 Technics decks in the studio was very memorable too. And of course we would try to scratch like the pros, but we were terrible. We once had DJ Hurricane in to do a guest mix set. He was the DJ from the Beastie Boys. He was awesome. That was fun afternoon. Anyway yes records are amazing whatever the music genre. Keep vinyl alive! #

  • New Post: Causing the problems they complain about - I had some more starter incidents happen to me at some food places and a shop. These type of incidents always get escallated to infiniti. It literally happens every time. So I‘m detailing them here so I have something to link to. It‘s also to try and paint an accurate picture of what it’s like here. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.