What It’s Like to Plan Vacations for Billionaires - Seems like a lot of ultra wealthy are part time digital nomads. I used to use a travel agency consierge service when I was doing a lot of business travel. It wasn't quite billionaire level like what's described in the article but it was super awesome. It made things so much more manageable. I'd realise I needed to be in a particular country and city the next day, and no need to scramble through booking sites, just email the consierge from the Blackberry (later it was from iPhone), get a few options to choose from within minutes, make a choice, everything booked and sorted, no need to do anything, just turn up. It was totally worth it. www.thecut.com #
2024/04/29 #
The ‘boring phone’: stressed-out gen Z ditch smartphones for dumbphones - It's totally worth having a dumb phone for those times when you really want to be in the moment and not worry about being online. There are a suprising amount of services that work with dumb phones too, and they are very efficient, all features via simple text menu choices. Even for Bitcoin in some African countries. I think this 'Newtro' trend is pretty cool. www.theguardian.com #