New Posts: Old blues masters of 20th century Tibetan Buddhism #
2024/05/03 #
Native Support for CJS/ESM Interoperability Begins in Node.js 22 - This is basically support for requiring ESM modules from inside CommonJS modules. This is bigtime awesome. I've had such bad experience with ESM import syntax, so the ability to at least use ESM modules as normal opens up lots of possibilities. Eventually I guess we will all transition to import, but it's a huge move in existing projects. #
Ditch dotenv: Node.js Now Natively Supports .env File Loading - Gives you the ability to specify all your node programs environment variables from a .env file which you specify using the node --env-file flag, or programstically from inside your app. Could be quite handy to easily switch between environments. Supports environment variables containing multi-line strings. Pretty cool. #