OpenAI strikes deal to bring Reddit content to ChatGPT - No mention of the amount the deal is worth, but it follows a similar deal with Alphabet worth $60 million per year. Reddit stock is up by 12% on this latest news. #
2024/05/20 #
The carcinization of web frameworks - Front end frameworks appear to be converging on a similar set of features, and these might end up becoming part of the web platform. Immutabiliy, single-directional flow of data, signals, server-side rendering, resumability and web components are all patterns that are appearing across frameworks. #
Five Basic Things About JavaScript That Will Help Non JavaScript-Focused Web Designers - I thought this was a pretty good list. Basically if you are more of a CSS / designer person, these are the top javascript things you should get familiar with to make your job easier: selecting things, updating classes, listening for events, changing HTML, getting data from forms. Great examples and explanations of each, plus a few bonuses like web components. #
New Post: Documenting code while blogging #
New Post: Bitcoin is great for learning about money #