

Well the notes from yesterday, which was the first day of notes, got published, and there are quite a few issues. Most of which I think are fixable.

The markdown isn't getting rendered. That's because the stock generic component I used to create the NotesItem component, doesn't support that. That's easy to add. I can copy it from ond of my other components.

The bullets are making stuff look a little weird, but it's hard to tell until the markdown is rendering so I'll revisit this issue later.

The most notable isdue is that date items are nit rendering in chronological order. I have re-read through the code and can't find a bug or misconfiguration. I'll need to run the render with debug enabled so I can see the items getting pulled out of the data source and ordered. Should be quite easy to discover what's going on. I'll probably need to comment out all template rendering apart from the notes template so as not to br bogged down in a deluge of debug log output. #

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