

It's the 3rd day using the new notes feature. I think I'm finding it useful, though it's been a very busy few days so difficult to evaluate. The ease of posting is the big draw for me. I don't need to worry about a title or a url or keeping the length down. I just create a new markdown file and start writting.

There were several issues:

At the minute all website updates are done via git, which is a little clunky. Eventually I'll have a better way, but I want it to always be possible to do via git. You'll always be able tobat least use git.

Hopefully there will be an API, web interface, maybe even a mobile and desktop app. That's a long way off though. I'm concentrating on getting it as smooth as possible with git.

I'm undecided on whether I like using titles in posts. I have to figure out the flow that feels comfortable. I want to be able to start writing without friction, and if a post is develiping into something substantial, have a way to easily convert it into a blog post.

One thing that would make posting via git a lot easier is to use something like the iOS Shortcuts app to create empty markdown files with uuid and date added to the file's frontmatter section. Unfortunately I have a major mental block with the Shortcuts app, I literally cant even do basic things, I find it so unintuitive, so that feels a long way off. #

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