

2023/08/22 #

I ran out of build minutes, so that's the end of new content on the website until next month. It's the same thing that happened last month. Last month I ended up going on a bit of a coding frenzy. Of course I couldn't test any of the code so I ended up with around 25 feature branches that I then had to merge in once the new billing cycle started and I had a fresh set of build minutes. That merge extravaganza was in a way what led to me running out of build minutes this month.

This note birthed the blog post: I ran out of build minutes. #

I've been meaning to write a blog post about the Vision Pro for several weeks now. It keeps getting relegated on my various todo lists in favour of other more pressing items. I was reminded of this by a Dave Rupert piece that explores why his initial Vision Pro entusiasm is now wanning.

I'm still kind of excited about the device, but I was always somewhat puzzled by the expectation that this is going to be a mainstream device. A device that folks not on a plane are going to be using to to watch movies and have video conferences. This just seems plain ridiculus to me, especially given the price.

This note birthed the blog post: The real Vision Pro opportunity. #

Multi-paragraph posts - It occurs to me, having spent much of the week thinking about post length, and whether posts should have titles, that a big change in social media was allowing posts to be multi-paragraph. I'm not sure when it happened exactly. My recollection was that Twitter didn't initially allow multi-paragraph. I'm fairly sure in the first few years I was always posting single paragraphs.

I'm finding I really like the ability to post multi-paragraphs. It's like that on Mastodon, and Threads too. It makes a big difference in the shape of the thought you can express. It's a small detail, but I think it makes a big difference. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.