

You will drink my milk - In addition to the bizare thing were some women here, often of the butch variety, seem absolutely obsesed with making you eat things drenched in red sauce, another re-occurring thing is women that insist on giving you small milk cartons. It happens so often it's almost like it's some bizare fetish. You could be dieing of thirst, but rather that water, they will insist on giving you milk. When you politely decline some will take offense, and this refusal might be grounds for some later bullying or mutilation. Foreigners must learn.

I was always told back home that asians were lactose intolerant, that it was something genetic, and that's why they didn't drink much milk. That appears not to have been entirely accurate. All the shops have huge varieties of milk, all of it is sweetened, both square and flat pack single serve cartons.

But it's not just women, quite a lot of men will try the forced milk drinking thing on you too. They will often refer to you as 'boy' while they do it, so you can see what their angle is on the whole matter.

And for the record, I have nothing against milk. I've had it with breakfast cereal all my life, I quite like it with a packet of chocolate biscuits every now and then, and you can't beat a good cup of builders tea. Having said that though, if you are going to take something normal and natural and turn it into something weird, to use it as a metaphorical stick to hit me over the head with, no thank you. I'll just drink water thank you very much. #

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