Circular economies and modern cities - Great description of circular economies in the context of building modern cities, with great examples, the guy knows his stuff. This type of circularity can be very good for society. I feel though it misses some of the nuance and dark realities of inner city living that makes some of the optimisations mentioned practically difficult to implement in a way that everyone finds safe. The second half of this interview gets a bit hard to watch though. Some people, whatever it is they have been through in their lives, has led them down a path of being deeply manipulative. I watch this and wonder how badly damaged we all are. #
2023/10/10 #
Microblogging - Chris and Dave have Manton Reece on Shop Talk Show and have some pretty great discussions about microblogging, blogging, social media, open protocols and all that jazz.
There's a fun bit where they circle around post types and size. You'd think this many years after blogging was invented that we would have settled, but as I have found over many years thinking about this, it's a deceptively difficult problem to get right. These guys are some of the best in building for the web, and even they get a bit muddled over it. Personally I find I'm settling recently with short and long posts, combined with a linkblog.'s inbound RSS feature sounds very cool. Once I get my combined feed working I very well might try that out. #
Goldie has a new mix RA905 out on Resident Advisor. I've listenned to it twice already today. If only I had some subs. Oh. My. Gosh. #
Goldie Mix Notes - Best digested while listening to the mix.
- At some point the language of words and mannerism breaks down, it becomes un-useful.
- Simultaneously walking from heaven into hell, and from hell into heaven.
- Jungle somehow integrates the very small and the very big, quantum field and general relativity, you can’t explain it so much as you can experience it, it’s the unified theory.
- There is a step change in bandwidth, as things become universal, you are raised and in an instant become connected to distant star systems across the cosmos.
- Your helmet is now an exoskeleton.
- The sound is just the surface, underneath, unimaginably vaste pools of information are moving backwards and forwards, and through your entire being, you are a super conducting information entity now.
- Time ceses to be so important, all moments are occurring simultaneously, yet you are firmly in the present.
- The entire universe, all of existence, could move one foot to the left, and back again, and it wouldn’t even be an issue.
- Your exoskeleton is channeling entire lifetimes of information into and out of existence, seamlessly integrating it into an infiniti of intersecting galaxies of stories and back stories and their backstories and beyond, in multiple formats, connections are being made, perfect everytime.
- Interesting pieces are automatically stored for later, it’s effortless.
- You reach a plateau, you pause to look at the pieces you have collected, assembled and re-assembled
- And you’re off again.
- Metamorphosis, the AI code editor of the future, when the coding challenge is so extreme you need to be separate from the fabric of spacetime, so that you can rebuild spacetime, there’s no getting around the fact that sometimes, you gotta go into hades.
- For those times when you need to safely and fully surrender to the darkside.