

Tough night - Elevated levels of sleep depravation and intimidation all through the night. Still seing the after effects of the last cycle's initiation event, but another initiation event was instigated, all revolving around trying to force me to eat food dispite thirsting me for at least a day. That's ultimately dangerous, puts enormous pressure in vital organs as there is no way to clean out toxins. It's a form of slow poisoning.

What happened was I was gifted some food by a family with a young boy. The parents had the boy give me the food. I said thanks and asked the parents if they had water. They didn't. I said thanks and that I'd eat the food tomorrow, put the food in my bag. They drove off.

Almost immediately, probably a minute later, a man arrived, wearing pretty much entirely bright blue, with a bright blue bag. I stood there thirsting, having literally just tried to be understanding by accepting the food even though I was accepting what ammounted to poison, and immediately my gesture of kindness and tolerance was thrown back in my face. I took the food out of my bag and gifted it to the man in blue. He said no, I insisted, then I really insisted. At pretty much that exact moment another family walked past, looked almost identical to the other one, but the boy was wearing a turquoise tshirt and the mother a bright red tshirt and hat.

A few minutes later, a man in his twenties arrived, wearing a yellow tshirt, starts drinking from a small coca cola bottle. Gosh what are the chances that this series of events would happen the same day as empty coke bottle bloke in the red girlie outfit harrassed me. A short while later the motorbike gang stalking drivebys started in anger. The initial taunts were 'yellow' and 'allow'. Go figure, I'm responsible for everything even though THEY are literally starving and thirsting ME.

The night proceeded, I got very little sleep, being woken up almost as soon as I fell asleep, over and over and over. In the early hours, the rock throwing motorbike gang stalkers paid me a visit, just a driveby, no rocks thrown this time.

About 60 seconds after getting up this morning, the turquoise electric motorbike, did a drive-by, stoping right in front of me. It never ends.

There was one lone sign of positivity in amoungst all the hatred. A motorbike driveby where the rider said earnestly 'you are right' at me as he drove past.

It literally feels like I'm caught in the middle of an infiniti war between good and evil. #

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