

The softly softly murmurers - It's another early afternoon with the softly softly murmurers. They are like timid cats, that sit behind you and murmer, except they are humans! Not quite loud enough so you can hear what they are saying. It goes on for hours. I'm pretty sure it's just gibberish, it seems to be highly correlated to my movements, like they are keying off me.

Not much you can do about it.

Based on the morning I've had, it's a sign they are angry, but projecting their anger onto me, to try and make me angry, so they can say 'look he's the angry one!'. Not this time though. I'm not at all angry. Sure I'm caught up in it all like everyone else, inflation affects us all, not just monetary, there's also karma inflation. They create the problem they later complain about, then they escallate and escallate, until everything in the whole universe is psychic mess, then they blame it all on me. #

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