

2023/12/22 #

RSS curse strikes again - Following on from yesterday's difficult coding session working on RSS code, I found a quiet place and tried again. The universe granted me about 10 minutes and guess what, it happened again. A strange man appeared, bizarely made some baby crying noises, and is now sitting next to me. He's doing some sort of exercise, rocking from side to side, then extending his arms up and stretching them. Then rocking backwords and forwards. Very odd behaviour in my opinion. #

Fractal of do / don't do - The universe's favorite thing today is to aggressively tell me to do something, again and again and again, with a multitude of yah's, then when I do it, immediately block me. It's just happened 3 times in a row within the space of an hour at at least 3 different abstraction levels. I then got mutilated. I hate to say it but it's what always happens. This time it literally was caused in part by actual dominoe's pizza employee.

The universe currently is finding this all very amusing, but I know ultimately the universe will be unhappy, because that's what happens every time! #

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