BBC News broken - In the past few weeks many of the BBC News' websites pages have stopped being readable in offline reading apps. In Pocket for example instead of the article you save, you end up with some sort of copyright notice. This has been working for years. What changed? #
2024/01/11 #
Taking someone's life === murder - I've been saying this for a while now. I know I sound crazy when I say stuff like that but I've thought about it a lot, and it's the sort of thing that though you don't have to contemplate it a lot, it absolutely can become very important. Anyway I felt a bit validated yesterday after listening to Robert Breedlove on the Bankless Podcast.
"If I take your life, that’s equivalent to murdering you, that’s to take your future freedom" - Robert Breedlove on life, liberty, and property
It's a great interview exploring the history of money, in order to lay out the critical design choices that were made when designing Bitcoin. There's an absolute ton of incredible background info about everything related to the monetary system in this episode. #