

2024/03/05 #

Resurfacing - The last few days I've finally started feeling well enough to contemplate posting again. I've basically been completely incapacitated all of February, though I was ill most of January too. I just couldn't even think about writing or posting. Anyway, let's see how things go.

I'm still not able to get online everyday, so these posts might appear somewhat unnexpectedly, though I'm writing them at the publish time in the frontmatter.

My ankles are still periodically swelling up. I have no idea why. When that happens I have to stop walking anywhere. I'm also still coughing up flem, but much less since I started taking the antibiotics. I occasionally still feel queezy too. Keeping food down has been a challenge too, but that's improved too.

Still dealing with the pre-illness problems, having to use the internet standing up, my water access is still a trickle, other stuff I can't think of now. But I'm alive, and I'm still posting again.

Thank you to those who have helped and been kind these past few weeks. Hoping things continue to improve :) #

Participating - I don't currently have the opportunity to watch films or TV series. It's been like that for a while now. I really miss it. I find myself listening to people on podcasts talking about the stuff they are watching as a sort of proxy. Instead of watching films, I listen to people talk about watching films.

It occurred to me yesterday that my experience of social media is much the same. Since I can only get online while standing up at the minute, participating in social media is very difficult. I do post but getting into conversations is next to impossible. The current thing has always passed me by the time I circle back around to read my replies and messages.

I find that I spend much of my time listening to people on podcasts talking about using social media. This isn't the internet I imagined when I first got excited about being online.

Anyway, I'm not complaining exactly, just describing how it is at the minute. I'm super happy that at least through podcasting, I can experience things even if it's often second hand. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.