

2024/03/06 #

Swollen ankles - My ankles are still somewhat randomly swelling up. It can get pretty bad if I don't notice it, they can appear almost double normal size. When that happens putting on socks can get very difficult, if not impossible. I don't yet have a handle on what's causing it. It's really frustrating because it has a huge impact on my mobility. When they are swollen, I can't walk anywhere.

They definitely swell up when I walk somewhere. That much I do know. That in itself is odd, but I've also had on at least one occasion, where I didn't walk anywhere, and the next day they were swollen. It might be something simple like sitting in a position where I unknowingly put them under strain.

Whatever it is, it wasn't happening before I got ill in early January. Swollen ankles is not something I have ever had to contend with previously. I'm hoping that when the coughing / microbial infection in my respiratory system clears up, the ankles thing will disapear too.

When they do swell up, as they have done today, the only thing I can do is apply the anti-inflamation gel, put my feet up and rest. #

Antibiotics - I've completed the course of antibiotics. It was 1 week. Things have cleared up considerably, but they definitely haven't cleared completely. I'm still coughing a lot, and coughing up quite a lot of flem. So I'm continuing to take the antibiotics for a few more days. Apparently taking them for more days is supposed to be fine. #

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