

2024/03/07 #

Git based blogging - One of the cool things about basing your blogging platform on git is that you can blog even when offline. I'm still battling illness, my ankles are still intermitently swelling up, which means I can't walk anywhere, including to the place where I get an internet connection, and I'm still coughing up lots of flem. But I can continue to write posts.

I create a feature branch for each day, and I add posts, notes, links etc throughout the day. In normal times the branch would automatically get merged into the main branch and the site would get rebuilt at midnight. But if I'm not able to get online for whatever reason, then I just create the next day's feature branch, merge the previous day's content on my local device. The next time I do manage to get online, all the content I wrote while offline will get published.

Okay sure it's a little jaring that a load of content appears on the site all at once in those situations, but it's still all dated correctly, with the date and time I wrote it. The point is that I can continue blogging pretty much as normal, even when I'm not able to get online.

Git is an awesome tool. Yes there's a bit of a learning curve, but for writing you only really need to learn a few features, and the workflow ends up being quite simple once you have done it a few times. And you then get the benefits of everything being version controlled. #

Big infra build out done when? - We are in a very rare period of core internet infrastructure build out. The huge surge in Nvidia profits is part of this, as service providers are rushing to build out the compute necessary for the boom in AI / machine learning applications that have become runnaway successes everywhere.

I'm really curious how the infrastructure companies are estimating how much compute they will need. It's a complicated problem in normal times, but this is the age of generative AI and deep fakes. They have to lay down the infrastructure for companies that will be able to build the smartest bullshit machines ever invented.

We will probably avoid the pitfalls of the dot com crash this time, but the pitfalls in this build out seem like they could be very difficult to detect, especially when you are in the thick of it. #

Website crypto wallet auto-discovery - For RSS you can add a special meta tag in the head of your web page's HTML. That can then be used by applications that read your page to auto discover the RSS feed for the page. I wonder if there is a similar standard way to define a crypto wallet associated with a website?

Such a standard could enable automatic micro payments, which in this age of AI that consume everything without a care for the creators, might be very useful. Imagine a world where, not only are creators of content rewarded for the content they are creating, but the AI could give the wallet an exact breakdown of the user query and weighted payments for all sites that were used to contruct the final answer.

There is the possibility for almost perfect transparency. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.