

2024/03/11 #

Micropayments for humans - I wrote a few days ago about an easy way to make a crypto wallet discoverable on personal websites. The use case I had in mind was AI visitors to a website. AI tools that browse and synthesize information from websites is becoming insanely popular recently. They are great but they break the web. Content creators essentially get cut completly out of the loop, so they no longer have any incentive to create content. Eventually thus there will be no human content creators online. Auto-discoverable cryptp wallets for websites could be part of a solution.

Auto-discoverable wallets could also be used for human website visitors. For example a human visitor might consume some content they like while visiting a website, and if their browser had a built in crypto wallet, theoretically they could then send a micro payment to the website in a single click. No setup required, even if they had never visited that particular website before.

There's already a protocol for it, though it doesn't appear to be very well used. I think something light-weight like this would ve very useful, both for AI and human website visitors. #

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