

2024/03/22 #

Medical info wikipedia - One thing that's become apparent to me while being ill, is that getting medical information online, especially relating to medication, is a total shitshow at the minute. Try and search for a specific medication and you enter a dark world of popups, preditory advertising, and blatant misinformation. Even if you try to read scientific papers, you end up down a never ending rabbit hole. It's the last thing you are able to deal with when you actually are ill.

We need a common resource for humanity, non-profit, for medical info. You should be able to easily find illness symptons, medication descriptions. It should be easy to compare different medications. The current leave it to the open market, quite clearly does not work. #

Nvidia's modern platform play - Nvidia is everywhere at the minute. Not only are they killing it in hardware, they have released a load of cloud based software. Each one very unique, tailored to future tech like AI and also spacial computing. Their spacial computing offering even includes a world wide streaming delivery network that will enable companies to stream 3D content directly to Vision Pro devices.

Their example is a digital twin car configurator. Pretty cool, but one wonders how many other 3D applications currently rendered to 2D screens will want to move to spacial computing environments.

As I wrote about last year, a lot of science and engineering companies might be interested. #

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