

2024/03/26 #

Apple has been facing off against EU regulators recently. One of their complaints was about how Apple treats super apps. If you take the idea of mobile super apps to the extreme, don't super apps eventually become app stores?

At what point then does the OG app store require the app to actually become an app store? #

Glassy food and bad water - I finished the second lot of antibiotics for my lung infection Monday morning. I'm feeling mostly quite good today, not much coughing, hardly any flem. Hopefully it will last this time and I'll be well again.

The world continues to make things difficult. Found small glass pieces in my breakfast this morning. Examined the pieces using a magnifying glass, and managed to crack the small piece into two but I had to use a metal cup. It was definitely glass. This evening a large bottle of water I bought in a shop, which was sealed and looked totally new, contained water that tasted very strange.

It's been attempted escallations everywhere I've gone today too. Everyone is on the war path. I've managed to walk around all these without reacting, giving them a wide birth and plenty of space.

Hey world, come on, allow me to get well. #

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