

2024/04/11 #

Feeling very rushed today. The world is constantly trying to swap the start with the end, at exactly the wrong moment. Not much you can do. It's like the weather. Doesn't matter what you do you'll end up at loggerheads with the world on days like today.

Ya....Woah Hurry up....blocked Up....lie Anything....oh look the thing's opposite Do do that! Again and again and again It's a collection of race conditions, a traffic jam of sorts

Just another maximum cloud. Everyone can see their own maximum cloud, some don’t take notice of it though, and it’s not so easy to see other people’s maximum clouds.

It's like the system has finished all it's calculations or something and is folding back on itself. And of course it's a fractal.

It’s the weather looking at the weather, but we are the weather!

All this to say, probably not going to write much today. Help I'm being narrated again! #

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