

2024/04/15 #

Strange day of synchronicities. The number 2 is trending bigtime. Both things that double and things that 1/2. There was a moment earlier this evening when in the space of a few minutes there was a flurry of dopplegangers and main characters all turning up one after the other. Just wanted to make a note of that here.

Several linked incidents again at food places today. One place at lunch time they took my money and tried to give the food to a short man in a white shirt. Btw, the last cold I got happened after another incident with a bloke in a white shirt at the same food place. Anyway this time, the way I reacted, motioning to give me my food was then replicated in two other places in retaliation. It's the same old tricks, they blame you for the thing they do to you, then punish you for speaking out.

The thing is, if you say nothing, they also punish you. That happened to me the day before. Either way you get blamed and mutilated.

It's difficult to describe this stuff. It's for sure co-ordinated. The later places made references to the previous incidents.

Just another day of intimidation in plain sight. Likely, based on past experience, starvation and thirsting will follow, with food and water goading, and sleep depravation. #

Mysterious truck convention - The latest trend is for large trucks, smaller trailers, and even huge 16 wheelers to park directly on front of where I'm sitting. I can't tell you how unusual this is. It's been happening for about a week. The drivers often make comments directed at me. #

Nose fully blocked, both nostrils ;(

Still coughing quite a lot, with flem, worse in the evenings and during the night. Right side og body still painful. More painful again in the evenings. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.