

2024/04/24 #

I mentioned on Twitter a few days ago that my cough / possible lung infection was resulting in a very strange taste of wine. Specifically it often tastes like Beaujolais Nouveaux. That in itself is very strange, and I can't figure out what's causing it. I haven't drank any alcohol for at least 5 years, and I don't think I've had a glass of wine in over a decade.

Imagine my suprise to come across this article, a few days ago, about a belgian man, who's body naturally produces alcohol, and was cleared of being over the alcohol limit while driving. I spent many years growing up in Belgium btw. Seriously what are the chances? #

Reluctantly reporting the return of starvation and thirsting, accompanied by the usual food goading, and manufactured incidents escallating in every location I go to. Just noting it here. The correlation is about as strong as how your little finger moves along side all the other fingers on your hand. #

I subscribed to an air traffic control recordings podcast a few days ago. Haven't mentioned it to anyone. Listened to the first episode yesterday. It's sort of interesting. Today fat people dressed in pilots uniforms have appeared smoking cigarettes on front of the hotel across the road. Seriously what are the chances? #

You're really on the war path again today aren't you world? You've been war pathing and escallating and trying to blame it all on me constantly. The morning is hardly finished and I reckon it's somewhere in the region of 30 seperate war pathy incidents already. #

The latest favorite food goading technique of the gang stalkers is to wait until you are already starving, then have a large women wearing lephard skin print outfit pass by, walking directly on front of you on the road, carrying a bag full of delicious food in one hand, and a large sheet of bubble wrap in the other. Of course she's popping the bubble wrap. Later there are small bits of bubble wrap in every location you go. It's happened several times now, definitely a thing. #

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