

2024/05/08 #

Perhaps the warpath to end all warpaths. Yesterday evening a man on a motorcycle came past taking down all the warpath flags along the walk to the internet place. Later that evening, very late, another man arrived on a motorbike and offered me a clear plastic bag with a chocolate biscuit, some soy milk and a chupa chup lolly pop. You would think that real food would have been a more appropriate gift if you were trying to help someone.

Anyway I took the biscuit and soy milk but polititely declined the lolly. I'm a grown friggin man for christ's sake, what the fuck am I going to do with a fucking chuppa chup? The man took the lolly back and drove off on his motorbike. I obviously must have offended him in some way, because a few minutes later a mini tsunami of motorbike drive-by harrasment began, which lasted most of the night.

This is the level of we-are-absolutely-not-on-a-warpath-but-actually-totally-are-on-a-warpath that I'm dealing with day in day out. No matter what I do, I end up being blamed or bullied for something. The worste part is that there are people that are genuinely helping, but it gets very difficult to tell the difference. It happens so often, like multiple times per day at times, that you naturally end up assuming that everything is some form of warpath.

Even this morning the motorbike harrassment driveby insidents is way higher than usual. These things take ages to blow over, then another tiny incident about another inconsequential thing of no importance will arise and the whole thing starts again. #

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