

2024/05/10 #

Looks like I'm not going to get the interleaved everything page done this month before I run out of build minutes. I'm really disapointed about this. I'm completely hating the latest page format at this stage, it's just such a poor way to display all the posts, you really don't get any sense of what's going on. It just feels disjointed, disconnected from reality. Sterile.

I have the page rendering in staging, but the post urls are incorrect, they have the wrong root so when you click on anything on the page you get a 404. There's something wrong with how the environment is setup, the overrides are incorrect, leading to the rendering having an incorrect value for the root that is used in the urls. It's totally frustrating because debugging at the minute takes so many build minutes.

And of course, the world is creating a mega tsunami at the exact same time so it's all way way more stressful than it needs to be. What are the chances? #

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