

2024/05/13 #

Not being able to code or publish still really sucks. Darn build minutes. There's nothing to distract me from all the world's little war paths. And oh boy has the world been on a war path tear since the sandwich Nazis' swindle yesterday. There isn't much I can do apart from calmly describe what's happening. It tends to take the following form:

  • They create the problems they complain about
  • They block the solutions they suggest
  • They then blame everything on you while denying to infiniti
  • They are still unhappy, and they blame the unhappiness on you
  • You end up getting mutilated again and again
  • Warpath warpath warpath, yet somehow it's you that is warpathing, just by your mere existence
  • Yet another starvation and thirsting episode, accompanied by constant and blatant food and water goading

It's mind boggling to the power of mind boggling, and that's the point. Who's going to believe an MPM? #

Stealing someone's life is murder. Slow murder is still murder. If society allows this then net-net everyone are murderers. It happens again and again. People don't want to face tge truth, because the truth scares tge shit out of most people. #

Until it happens to you, there really isn't a way to fully grasp how bad it can get. If you say something, you get blamed and mutilated, if you don't say anything, you also get blamed and mutilated, but thr escallations are often even worse. #

Very interesting discussion about funding for open source software development and maintenance on the latest Untitled Linux Show episode. Amoung the many great points made was the notion that perhaps in the future support for projects becomes something similar to business insurance. At some stage companies are going to get tired of constantly running into difficulties, but there are a load of nuances that don't get mentioned. As soon as there are contracts, that totally changes the responsibilities and dynamics that maintainers might not be happy with. It really is a tricky problem to solve in a way that doesn't destroy the ecosystem. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.