The number of motorbike gang stalkers doing driveby harrassment simply shouting 'No!' at me as the drive past has gone through the roof the past 2 days. Happens even when I'm quietly minding my own business, just sitting doing nothing, listening to a podcast or taping away on my device. Also quite a lot of pedestrians are doing something similar. 'No'‘s are definitely trending. #
2024/05/19 #
A bloke that wears no shoes, who previously several months ago was appearing everyday, has started making appearences every morning again. As I recall, last time he pestered me quite a bit. It's beeen happening for 3 days now. Today he was trying to see what I was doing on my device. He also keeps saying 'No no no'.
Odd thing is his feet are very very clean. It makes no sense because this place is so dirty that your feet wouldn't stay clean for very long.
There always seems to be at least 1 'main character'. As soon as one disbands, another materialises. #
The unprovoked No trend has continued all throughout the day. It actually spread from mostly motorbike gang stalkers into the shops, with shop staff in several different locations assaulting me with a 'No!' as I was buying completely normal things like a sandwich and a soft drink.
Like I have said before, I'm to blame for everything, even though I'm doing absolutely nothing unusual whatsoever. #
I read an article earlier about the protests in Georgia. I don't have the link as I write this note, but one thing I found interesting was a picture of the protesters who were all waving what I assume is their national flag. It is basically the St George flag, which is a white background with a red cross that seperates the background into 4 quadrants. On their version each quadrant has a small red cross in it. It's like some sort of St George flag fractal or something.
For those reading this that might not be aware, the St George flag is the national flag of England. We don't see it very often outside of some sports competitions, because typically we use the famous Great Britain flag. An interesting fact about that flag is that it's a layered composite of all the flags of the constituent nations of the Union, so it actually contains the St George's flag.
As far as I'm aware there isn't any connection between Georgia and England.
Anyway I though the whole flag similarity was pretty interesting, and I'm now wondering if there's some significance to it. #
Figured it's worth mentioning that all 3 of the main sandwich shops that I go to, which are all in very different lications, have been playing funny games with portions and prices the past several days. Seems like it could somehow be related to the recent sandwich nazis incident.
It's like some sort of racist localism synchronized sandwich making competition, where their whole stick is to create situations they can blame on me, which then get picked up by righteous gang stalkers. It's like they are the epicentre of escallating evil, and things have happened that suggest they are in some way linked. The sandwiches are mostly quite nice though.
Everytime I find a new food place, it's only a matter of time before they get nazified. Seems to akways happen. #