

The past 2 days shop staff in multiple different stores in different locations have a bee in their bonnet about something. It appears to have started when I asked for a bigger plastic bag at checkout rather than the small plastic bag the shop staff was trying to give me.

Since then staff all over the place have been shouting 'lie' at me randomly, calling me a 'liar' when I'm literally just sitting quietly listening to a podcast. For some reason it's literally the most important thing in the universe that they can deny me a slighlty larger plastic bag.

The way it looks to me is that it's just another manufactuted incident, which then gets used everywhere to righteously blame me for everything. It's been mostly instigated by women, though men have been doing it too, though one gets the impression they are having to, perhaps against what they would otherwise do.

I call all this type of behaviour being 'on the war path', because they are constantly instigating conflict. #

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