

So many podcasts for this week's newsletter, I might have to cut down the list a bit. 8/14 are on bitcoin, crypto and money.

It always feels like there are too many of those, but the reality is that the most interesting podcasts are coming from that part of the tech scene at the minute. It makes sense though because money is basically involved in every aspect of life, so they have a very big landscape. Web development is much more specialised, and also not the easiest thing to communicate with just audio.

No title for this week's issue. Some slightly malicious or at the very least mischievous motorbike people offered ne some small food thing last night, but it was wrapped in a trick question. People can be so mean sometimes, even when you are starving abd thirsty. I didn't fall for it though, that exact trick question has been used on me many times before. So I got a tiny dinner.

Maybe I'll turn that into the issue title. It's so hard to ignore the bad in the world. That episode will occupy ny brain for days now. What a waste of resources. The world of course thinks it's all my fault. But is it really? #

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