

A bloke in a car just slowly drove up to me while I was quietly sitting, preparing this week's newsletter on my mobile device, rolled down the window of the passenger seat, which was closest to me. I looked up because clearly he was attenpting to attract my attention, took one of my ear plugs out so I could hear him, and with a sickening smurk on his face, he simply said 'No!'. He then smiled with glee, closed the automtic passenger side window, and slowly drove off.

This is the sort of shit I'm up against every single day, even as I'm being starved and thirsted, by malicious assholes proporting to be good samaritans. This is the world on another war path. It happens in every location I go to.

Lots of red items left in all the locations I've been to in the past 24 hours. Go figure. It's never ending. I don't know why this happens, who is directing it, only that it happens non stop. I can appreciate how bizare it must sound, but I'm literally just describing exactly what's happening. #

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