

I'm not sure if it's a trend or not yet, I've only just noticed this potential pattern. Whenever they are starving or thirsting me, or they are about to start doing either of those two horrible and cruel activities, there is a massive increase in the number of random people that shout 'lie!' at me.

For added context, yesterday a person who struck up a conversation with me, said it to me when I refused to tell him my name, and wouldn't make up a nick name for myself. It wasn't something that was part of the conversation that we could discuss, just a sort of order he issued in between things he was saying.

He turned out to be rather a strange person. Kept asking very detailed and probing questions about me and all my posessions. I'm very glad I didn't tell him my name or indeed make up s nick name. Pretty sure that would have been used against me in some way.

Another bit of context, yesterday morning an old lady that keeps appearing at the minute, has been for the past couple of weeks, sat down right near me. As she passed by to sit down, really angrily shouted 'Lie!' at me.

And the final bit of context. As I was typing away on my device earlier, three young women sat near me, pretty much exactly were the old woman had sat. They eventually finished their conversation, which was I presume in vietnamese. The stood up and as they were waiting for a break in the traffic to cross, one turned towards me and shouted, you guessed it, 'Lie!'.

And so it goes when you are being starved and thirsted while trapped in Vietnam. #

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