

I continue my side quest to understand things related to L2s in the world of crypto. I have a basic marketing type understanding from reading lots of non-technical blog posts, but I'm still somewhat confused from a technical standpoint. As I've previously mentioned, I don't mind asking stupid newby questions if that's what I have to do.

A post by Vitalik comparing scaling methodologies goes some way to fill in the gaps. But I find myself still frustrated in general by the difficulty in peeling back the layers of blockchains in order to compare them, in order to get a better understanding of how interop between chains works.

With non digital cash it's pretty straight forward. You go to an exchange place, there is a list of currencies and exchange rates. That's it. With crypto it's so much more complicated.

I want blockchains to be easier to explore technically. Something similar to a web browser view-source or the ability to inspect a rest api request on the command line. Where are the tutorials that explore blockchains from the command line? Are there even standard tools like a web browser's dev tools? Or is everything custom? #

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