

2024/05/31 #

One thing that's a pattern is when I'm being starved and thirsted, I'm also being harrassed. Then I get gifted something and the harrassnent quiets down for a bit. That's been the past 24 hours. It's like night and day difference.

This morning though, the low key harrassment has started back up again. It's like one thing after another. Like lots of pieces are being setup for future incidents or something. I'm being hurried up, then slowed down. Then punished for being wrong, even though I've done nothing. They are creating problems to complain about, I'm then getting blamed and blocked.

Anyhow, this morning I'm going to be testing the second version of my fix to separate the links on the everything page into their own area of the post.

I think I found the bug with my initial version. It looks like a copy / paste mistake, there was an extra closing tag in a block of EJS. Really difficult to spot. I didn't see it until I refactored the code a bit and painstakingly went through it line by line. #

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