

The weird old lady that does imaginary humping as an exercise was doing it again this morning. Just next to the brick that was left a few days ago. She’s different from the weird old lady that hangs out outside the shop. She assumes a position similar to when you are getting patted down by police, then slowly humps. It happens to be across the road from police box thing that usually has an officer inside. Along the way to the internet place lots of used tissues, and tons of empty drugs wrappers, probably from pain killer meds. Got to the internet place and some folks here were making strange sex noises as part of their apparent conversation. In parallel to this there’s been anger goading and motorbike drivebys telling me to eat noodles - ‘mi after’. Btw, remember I wrote a blog post that mentioned a fictional after party just a few days ago. Then same color bags I keep my soup bowl in were left where I stand at the internet place. So sex goading, drugs goading, food goading, and it’s not even 7am.

Hello warpath, it’s been, oh at least a day or two since the last warpath! #

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