

2024/08/03 #

All sorts of weird sex related bullying and harrassment the past 2 days. I’ve taken a few notes so maybe I’ll find some time to write it up. I’m aware that the Democrats have been doing the whole everything Republican is 'weird' thing, and I’m certainly not part of that, I just can’t think of another way to describe it right now. It’s all just very weird, and very little if it is cool weird, just weird weird. If I get a chance to write something, I think you’ll see what I mean.

Already some very aggressive motorbike gang stalker harrassment this morning. First a 'you learn', then a short while later a motorbike gang stalker carrying a small plastic table, aggressively shouting at me as he drove past. Yesterday morning the food vendor where I bought something kept trying to get me to sit down at a small table even after I made it clear that I wanted take away. So it might be related to that. How dare me for politely declining an asking for a takeaway!

The newsletter is already written, I just have to add a few additional podcast reviews I did since I wrote it. The world is on the warpath again, so I'll have to take it easy, then of course I'll get blamed and yah'd. They create the problems they complain about, they block the solutions they suggest, they escallate, and blame it all on me. Pretty sure it’s going to be another one of those days. #

Oh world, what are you doing to me?

It’s like there are two teams of gang stalkers. One team is constantly telling me to speed up, to go quicker, hurry up for fuck’s sake, yah. The other team is doing the exact opposite, slow the fuck down, woah, calm down, lie. So no matter what I do, everyone literally gets infinitely annoyed.

It escallates and escallates until I’m being blamed for everything. I’m not even really speaking metaphorically. Actual real life physical humans just constantly harrass me wherever I go. There are small gangs of them waiting for me all along the routes I walk. If you think it sounds crazy, let me tell you, it’s even crazier when it’s really actually happening to you. #

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