

It certainly was another one of those days yesterday. Big time. One of the big themes was people sprinting in the opposite direction to whichever way you are walking in. Often right before I’d get both a 'you learn' followed by a 'yah'. It must have happened at least 4 times. Then when you get to where you are going you get blocked in some way. The thing you want is out of stock, and so is the backup thing. Or only two items of the thing you want are left, same with backup item. Or a combibation of these.

No matter what you do you are wrong in some way. Even if you get one of each of the main thing and the backup thing, that would cause another infiniti no! I ended up just saying 'yes no' to everything. You have to say something, and since you get blamed no matter what you do, including doing nothing, then 'yes no' seems like the least untruthful thing you can say. The problem of course is that things just get worse, I think because the hive mind is waiting on a decision from you but doesn’t get it, and so eventually everything becomes blocked in every dimension. But that was going to happen anyway, and at least this way it’s possible to not get yourself overloaded, so you can keep your cool and not get angry.

I bet none of this makes any sense. Anyway needless to say I didn’t get a whole lot done yesterday. Whenever I tried to actually do anything like write or listen to a podcast or whatever, that would get immediately blocked too. Like clockwork someone or some group of people would arrive and start being very aggregious, and no matter what you do, they are unhappy. Unhappy if you stay, unhappy if you go, unhappy if you write, unhappy if you talk, unhappy if you stay quiet. Sometimes they would earnestly say 'sorry', and just continue on their infiniti no! campaign.

This morning as I started writting this note a morning exercise cyclist in a group said 'lie' to me followed by a small laugh, like just joking. And it would be funny but I know if I find it funny then I’ll get yah'd, so my only possible response is 'yes no'.

According to Elon, heard in his latest interview with Lex Friedman, training robots at scale is a bit like conducting a very big orchestra. I think that’s likely not a bad description for humans at scale too. Some days everything is a total escallating stop start race condition mess. #

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