

2024/08/05 #

Not a huge amount to write this morning. I’m still dealing with the aftermath of the last bullying cycle. When everything everywhere in every dimension gets turned into an infiniti no and blamed on you, it can take days to clear. But life goes on.

I appears water and electricity are about to be cut off again. I’ll likely writeup the newsletter early again this week. I get the sense that the world is already front running that, but there isn’t anywhere else to go, because any further back and your back into the previous cycle, so the world is literally blocking itself, and blaming me of course.

I managed amongst all the yes nos yesterday to fix a few small bits of code on the reusable workflow feature, so maybe I’ll get a chance to test that later.

Life goes on. #

Well I got next week’s issue #176 written and scheduled without any major problems, but guess what as soon as I tried to do the tiniest of the tiniest amount of work on my static site generator reusable workflow feature, the world was right back at it doing it’s infiniti yes no thing again. What a suprise. #

I’ve heard and read mixed reviews of the Olympic Opening Ceremony. I didn’t watch any of it myself but I did hear that they raised the Olympic flag upside down at the ceremony. That’s a bit strange, isn’t it a sign of distress. Seriously, isn’t that what you do when you are in distress out at sea?

Let’s all remember to keep an eye out for those in distress, at all levels, from individuals all the way up to countries. The world is going through difficult times. We are ultimately all in this together.

I know I’ve written recently about France, and perhaps that could be misinterpreted. I do really hope all is well in France. Best wishes for the rest of the event. #

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