

I ended up getting mutilated again. I’m not exactly sure how it hapenned, that’s always how these things go down. It’s happened so many times before. There’s a long escallation, over many days, and it eventually crescendos with all sorts of weird synchronicities, and you realise you’ve been mutilated. In this case it’s some sort of alergic skin reaction on my arm. It’s all swollen. I was preceded by random people shouting 'you learn' at me. Then afterwards a big soap opera-esce scene. The whole evening it was one thing after another, like the entire world had been turned into some sort of giant swiss clock.

Btw, I’ve also developed some sort of similar sensation on my left hand little finger and ring finger. It’s badly itching. I mention it because people are constantly trying to pressure you into extremely dubious mariages here, so the fact that I’ve developed this skin irritation thing is extremely suspect to me.

On the bright side, I got gifted some food and it looks like I’ll be able to get electricity and food for a few days. But any of the help I get these days always seems to have a nasty malicious component attached to it. In fact I wouldn’t be suprised if the malicious part continues for a while. It’s a wonder I get anything done at all on my static site generator or blogging for that matter.

It looks like I’m quite close to having the deploy workflows working using the new reusable workflow. I’ve almost got it working for one of the plugins. Yesterday evening the build appeared to have completed. There are a few small tweaks needed to environment variables still to be made. Once it’s fully working I’ll be able to update all the repos to use the new workflow. It’ll be awesome to have just one workflow to maintain as opposed to one in each repo.

Also hoping to write a few blog posts, though all this week’s bullying, starvation and resources restriction has left me a bit shell shocked, but also I haven’t been able to generate many new post ideas, because I’ve had to conserve power.

It would be wonderfull if you could get off the warpath and stop blocking everything I do world. Thanks, your exhausted friend, Mark. #

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