

Quite a lot of harrassment from motorbike gang stalkers last night. They woke me up every couple of hours. Feeling quite tired today. Just got gifted a bananna from a somewhat strange man riding a bycicle. He was dressed like an office worker, kept saying he was 'SSI'. I have no idea what that means. Shortly after he left discovered somebody had once again left an earthworm for me. This time I managed to save the worm before it died. Pretty sure this is the start of another bullying cycle. No doubt it will likely be sexual harrassment in one form or another. It almost always is when banannas are involved. It never ends.

I'm close to getting all the simple plugins working with the new reusable workflow. There are several annoying bugs still to fix. Once it works with those I’ll move on to the plugins that use an npm module cache. Then finally I’ll move on to the main website repo. It’s tedious because there is a lot of jumping between repos, and lots of hard to spot bugs. It will be worth the effort though.

One thing that occurred to me yesterday is that there is potentially a downside to all the repos using the same workflow. If something goes wrong with that workflow in an unnexpected way, then deployments of all the repos could be blocked all at once. That could be problematic in high pressure situations. It will be important to be extra careful when modifying the workflow and thoroughly test before pushing out any changes. #

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