

The weird shit has continued for much of the day. At the internet place when I turned up early this morning to finalise newsletter #177, almost immediately a large butch woman wearing green leggings materialised parading a child who couldn’t have been more than 4 years old up and down in front of where I was standing. One of the many strange things she said as they walked back and forth was 'we alone', apparently into a phone conversation she was having, but it was strange, she kept breaking into english words just as she passed me. She wasn’t in fact alone as it happens there was a man with her who got a bit bad tempered at once point right before they all left, he was saying something about 'the white man'. It was unclear if he was talking about me specifically or just about white men generally. I called them perverts and said 'well this white man doesn’t want anything to do with you perverts'. They then left.

Later in the park, a park attendant security bloke, started getting agro with me, I had started falling asleep. Had the perverts not kept me awake all night, I probably wouldn’t have been falling asleep. I called him a pervert as he touched my leg, he then started to get aggressive, he made what looked to me to be quite an obscene gesture with two of his fingers. I asked him what he was doing with his two fingers. He started to try and take some photos of me. I calked him a pervert and asked why hd was trying to take photos of me. He scurried away rather quickly after that.

Now back at the internet place the butch women are trying to assert their authority. One is walking a small labrador puppy up and down the way. Totally harmless puppy that has been here for a few weeks now. For some reason today the butch woman is brandishing a long stick to hit the puppy. What are the chances. These are the kind of escallations that occur. It’s clear warpathing in my opinion, they are just looking for a fight, anger goading and all the rest of it. It’s absolutely attrocious behaviour.

As I’ve been quietly writting this note at least two groups of people, including a group of teenagers have shouted 'liar' at me casually as they walk past me to the park. They escallate and escallate and escallate.

It wouldn’t suprise me if there was some form of violence this evening. In the past that has been bricks to the face or a bat to the body. This is what happens when the social layer in society is completely fucked.

I write about it here because that’s all I can do since they have trapped me here. #

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