

I managed to finish listening to several podcasts I had started listening to yesterday. Very low on energy atm though because I’ve hardly been able to eat anything. Hardly any food and lots of bullying. The bags are so much heavier when you haven’t eaten in a few days.

I went to an old spot I hadn’t been to in a while yesterday near the canal. They have taken away some of the benches I would previously sit on. On the opposite side of the canal all the benches have been replaced with concrete seats that don’t have backrests, a bit like the seats you get at bus stops. I guess they no longer want people to spend too much time outside. Without back support it’s a lot harder to sit for long periids of time.

The only benches remaining were the ones whose legs had been entombed in the pathway’s cement. It’s almost as if this has happened before and the previous lot took measures to ensure they would always have some benches with back rests.

Didn’t get any coding done yesterday. The secrets bug is still blocking everything. I’m going to have to write another energency newsletter early while I’ve still got power, then turn everything off until I can charge the devices up again. I’m so sick of these mini boom bust cycles.

Another thing, anytime I start doing anything with my device, a group of people appear and just sort of start loutering nearby, lightly chatting, but it’s like fake chatting or something. Their actions feel in some way connected to what you are doing. It becomes really impossible to do anything, because they are incredibly distracting. The closer you get to whatever it us you are figuring out, the worse it gets. Happened yesterday in the park, along the canal, and this morning outsite the shop.

There appears to be another one of those regime changes. It’s like I’m being forced into so called bad behavior, because I have to stand up to the bullying, abd ind group rewards me for it while another does the opposite. I also appear to get rewarded when I get mutilated, especially if I accidentaly do it to myself.

The sunburn from a few days ago is quite painful today. Feels like it’s going to be another struggle today. Not so nice and quiet this morning, lots of loud people shouting as they drive past, like there’s something in the air.

Feels like the world is about to be unhappy with everything again.

Almost forgot, there was another camicaze earth worm yesterday. It was trying to cross the road. No earth worms doing basically anything for 5 years, then suddenly in the space of a few weeks it’s like some sort of earthworm apocalypse. They keep appearing in places I go to or routes I walk along. Perhaps there’s an earthworm health thing going on. The one yesterday got run over by a motorbike a few seconds after I noticed it. The poor thing recoiled in pain, flopped around for a bit and eventually sort of disapeared into a small shrivelled mound of earthworm skin. Much like how a witch disolves into bubbling putrid green stuff when it dies. Kind of gross. Poor little guy. This aggression against earth worms has to stop I tell you!

If it turns out that god is in fact a very evolved giant earthworm in the sky, let’s please all remember I stood up for the earthworms. Thank you. #

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