

There was a bunch of aftermath escallations following yesterday’s attempt attempt on my life, but also a continuation of the kids in yellow thing, which morphed into a more generalised gangs with a yellow person thing, and yesterday turned into a full blown yellow tsunami. In the evening yesterday, a huge gathering of motorbikes, probably around 30-40 bikes, installed themselves on the opposite side of the road, directly in front of me.

They do this occasionally, have been doing it for several months now. It’s ostensibly some kind of city tour for groups that stay in the nearby hotel. The thing is all the drivers wear bright yellow tshirts. And the other thing is they always seem to appear at the end of a bullying cycle. I call this thing a yellow tsunami, because the whole color tsunami thing happens quite often, usually with red, white and yellow. Something will happen, some sort of manufactured incident, and a color is anchored to that incident, escallations follow, culminating in a tsunami, where a sea of that color materialises. Sounds weird, but it definutely happens.

Are all the participants in a tsunami aware they are tsunamying? Probably not, but some definitely are. Take yesterday’s yellow tsunami for example, about 5 minutes after they arrived, 3 of the yellow tshirted drivers went to the shop behind me. They returned, each with a large bottle of cold water. As they crossed the road right in front of me to get back to their bikes, all three shouted in unison "care, care, care!", followed I might add by gaffows of laughter. Well guess what, it sounded familiar, and sure enough I remembered a few moments later what had happened earlier that day. When I essentially got forced into on-comming traffic, extremely dangerously, the thing I shouted very loudly to get the bikes that were heading directly at me to slow down was "Carefull!", repeatedly. So it’s pretty obvious that least some of them knew about that, which happened in a totally different location. This isn’t a small town either, this is a massive city.

There was a bunch of other stuff, mostly drive by motorbike stalker harrassment stuff. One thing worth mentioning is that it’s pretty clear the gang stalkers organise set pieces, with several of them passing in succession, each shouting or doing something related. For example a bloke walked by with a tshirt with only the large letters on the front 'RUN'. Moments later an older bloke on a bicycle passed by, he passes quite often, very often cranky with a gargoyle type voice, very tanned and shriveled face. He was doing a mean face and pointing directly at me. That was followed a few minutes later by another bloke on a bycicle, who was basically a younger better looking version of the old cranky bloke. He looked at me as he passed and as soon as eye contact was made he looked away very quickly as if he was scared. Given all the weird pedo and pervert shit from the past few days, this seems very much like a set piece to me.

This morning a motorbike gang stalker did a driveby shouting 'allow'. That’s another one of their favorites during a yellow tsunami. It’s because the words sound so similar. It’s mind control at best but often also anger goading. Today it happened moments before morning yellow lady passed by. She passes by every morning, about the time I get up, crosses the road directly in front of me. She always wears a yellow tshirt. They are 'allowing' me to get up and leave. This sort of thing happens everywhere. They want total control of you at all times.

Okay enough chatter, the plan for today is the write a few blog posts and maybe create a minimal example of the reusable workflow secrets limit issue if I have time. Looks like I’ll be able to get some food today, and they allowed me eat something last night so I have some energy today.

Hopefully the harrassment won’t be too intense today. #

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