

Yesterday was kind of a washout productivity-wise, the world is doing it’s thing again where it pretends to be helping but literally every bit of help has a malicious component. Here are my notes from yesterday morning:

So that was the morning. I tried to listen to podcasts but that was very difficult as the world kept setting up warpath situations all around me. From a very "hot" young woman wearing unbelievably white tight jeans on even more unbelievably long legs, standing right in front of me recording some sort of influencer youtube video no doubt. It was like some sort of beauty product shoot, with her long hair being tossed in all directions. There was just no way to concentrate on evil god philosophy. What are the chances?

And to accompany the white jeans Miss Influencer, directly to my right was a bloke with loads of tastey food stuffing his face. Made my bag of sweet snacks and cold water noodles seem a bit underwhelming. So in both possible sitting orientations on the bench I was sitting at, I was forced to watch some sort of anger goading performance. In the end Miss Influencer got in a big huff about her camera or something and stormed off. Eventually I decided there wasn’t any point trying to fight the warpathing world that was oppositing literally everything I was doing in some way. I was also getting sleepy because not much sleep last night.

I went back to the internet place, updated this week’s newsletter with some additional podcasts and blog posts I managed to get through during the week. It looked like it was about to rain anyway. At another location a bit later there was a gang of Nescafe marketing people giving out free coffee samples. That was nice however would have been useful when I was falling alseep a bit earlier, and they also didn’t have any hot water. So I had an instant coffee made with cold water. Nearly choked on it as initially the coffee hadn’t disolved.

Still the coffee was quite nice nevertheless. But the moment didn’t last long before the small middle aged well dressed but super sketchy lady that used to sell cigarettes next to the nearby primary school showed up. Recently she’s ditched the cigarettes and now appears to be some sort of loan shark. She always wears a sort of fancy hat, like she’s of to the vietnamese horse racing or something. It’s hard to tell exactly what she’s doing but people keep showing up, sit next to her, she taps away on her feature phone, taps away on a calculator, they sometimes give her some small amount of money, then she gives them more money in return. Mostly small amounts like 1-40 USD, but in local currency. It’s bizare. She always sits right near me, so I have to move, because I don’t want to be associated with whatever it is she’s doing. Remember the police from earlier that was saying 'money' over and over, well they were positioned exactly where loan shark with fancy hat woman sits. She has her own fold out chair, and a small stool for her, I guess, customers, who 90% of the time are the same exact people.

Later I got visited by maybe a pedo soap opera westerner bloke. The guy that featured in the recent weird pedo pervert bullying escallations. He bought me a large Coke and a bottle of water, while only getting himself a small no sugar coke, gave me a lecture about how sugar makes you fat. Btw he chose what he bought for me. He was banging on about his job, which seems to change every few days, he apparently works 15 simultaneous jobs or something, and is literally always in trouble with his boss. It was all cash in hand not quite legal, but somehow the story has evolved and now it’s salaried, but not enough, and there is some issues with Visas or something. He has previously tried to get me to work in something he would organise. "Just let me know and I’ll make a call, I know people. Oh and you’ll work" he said while slowly nodding and raising his eyebrows. "You’ll". Always super sketchy about how it’s organised. He also previously told me that near where he lived the people are kind of hardcore. Said he was speaking to a young boy of about 5 years old out in the street. Apparently the boy later got in trouble with his father, and the father threw him out of the window, the boy fell to his death splaterred on the sidewalk. He said it was horrible. He has a lot of these strange sorts of stories.

We chatted for a bit, weird conversation, his wife had been away for two weeks, and his place was in a mess, he needed to clean it up before she got back. I wished him best of luck with his last minute cleanup operation as he left. We talked about health and processed foods being unhealthy.

Later got gifted a bag full of sweet foods and breads and a ginormous industrial size packet of baby wipes. That’s really unusual. What are the chances that should happen right after the pedo apocalypse bullying cycle?

I ended up not drinking most of the large coke because it turned out that it wasn’t regular coke, it had lime in it, so it just tasted like rum and coke, pretty gross. When I mentioned it to pedo westerner bloke he said 'oh my bad' in the most deadpan I’m not sorry at all infact I most likely did it on purpose you’ve ever seen. Still there’s a tiny minuscule chance he 'got confused' I suppose.

The garbage bin was surrounded by construction workers, so I placed the 2/3 undrunk bottle in the curb along with all the wrappers from all the sweet snacks, which was called 'food' as it was given to me, all neatly packed so they didn’t fly off in the wind. Later the garbage sweeper bloke had a pop at me for daring to leave garbage in the curb, nevermind that that’s literally what everyone does here. Certainly the construction workers and weird old laddies do. I guess it’s different rules for me though isn’t it.

I was just thinking that I’d had way too much sugar that day, having had a bag full of mostly sugar stuff in the morning, a large bottle of gross lime coke and another bag full of sugar stuff, and wouldn’t it be nice to eat some real food, when a motorbike bloke stopped and gave me a takeaway food styrofoam box. I gestured thank you, he drove off, I openned the box to find a single fat slab of heavily processed meat, on a bed of something I’ve never seen before. A bit like rice but it’s combined with small bits of sweet gelatiney type stuff, all a yellow color. Was it a sweet dish, was it a savory dish, impossible to tell. It certainly wasn’t the most appealing food in the world. You win yet again world, while yet again pretending that I’m the winner.

So that was yesterday. Didn’t get much done.

Today already some harassment, anger goading type stuff, with people wearing head to toe red outfits pacing up and down the road like an angry bull. Also motorbike driveby gang stalkers, but I’ve mostly been ignoring it.

At least I’ve already written and scheduled today’s newsletter.

I’ve been sneezing all morning, and had a blocked nose earlier, but that seems to have disapeared. Just me getting mutilated again, nothing to see here, please move along.

Someone has also been accumulating rocks nearby where I sit, where I’ve previously been assaulted several times already, including rocks and bricks to the body and face. There’s a small pile of them now. Intimidation much?

No doubt I’ll be blamed for being on the warpath, even though quite clearly it’s the other way around.

Probably going to be another one of those days. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.