

2024/08/25 #

The big thing yesterday was nodding. Literally everywhere I went people would nod their heads at me. People of all ages and all walks of life, all nodding. It must have happened 20-30 times during the day. Like someone sent them all a memo to nod at everyone, or certainly at me. It started while I was writting yesterday’s morning note, and at about the same exact time I started getting a blocked nose and sneezing. That continued for much of the day. Seems to have subsided now.

It was a slow day yesterday, hardly anything in the way of food, though I had an instant coffee left from the Nescafe marketing people so had that with cold water early morning, listenned to quite a few podcasts before getting tired. Got gifted a small sandwich, which tasted pretty good, even though it was processed meats. It’s amazing how food tastes when you’re starving.

There was a lot of harrassment yesterday evening. There was clearly something organised. I spent much of the day down by the canal. Weather was mediocre but nice to be in the open space there. On the way to the internet place that evening to send out the newsletter promo and schedule next week’s issue, all along the route there were people waiting to shout harrassment at me. From security guards aggresively shouting 'gay', to customers sitting out from of cafes shouting various rude stuff, to just randoms scaterred everywhere doing the same, it was just vile hate being thrown at me the entire way.

I was listening to music as I was walking, something I don’t like doing because it puts my device and earphones at risk, but it drowns out the harrassment, so it’s just about possible to ignore it. But of course I end up having to put myself in danger. Ultimately that’s the worst thing about the harrassment, it’s fucking dangerous a lot of the time.

Today I’m hoping to get the minimal repo I created to reproduce the reusable workfkow secrets bug. Looks like I’ll be able to buy some food and hot water. But I’m playing catchup again, laundry, washing etc, so not expecting to get a huge amount done. By the time I’ll be caught up it will be the end of the day.

It’s all just so hopeless, things that take a few hours or even minutes when your life is all functional can literally take weeks. The reusable workflow is a great example. It’s literally been 3 weeks now that I’ve been trying to finish that, but the world just keeps blocking me in one way of another. It’s like I’m in a different universe. Then regular folks just don’t believe you are so stuck, and start testing you to check if you are lying or not, which makes everything even more exponentially harder. I’m spending 90% of my time just dealing with warpath world.

Already a lot of loud warpathing this morning from the gang stalkers. That was started by early morning bycicle singing lady. She hasn’t been past in a while. That’s been followed by several high jinks loud shouting motorbike gang stalkers. That sort of stuff usually stops around 3am so it’s odd that it’s still happening now. #

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